SCCI's Corporate Telecom Experience

Founded in 1989, SCCI is a full-time engineering and design services business. SCCI was initially a Nevada corporation. The following is a listing of major projects.

Capital MetroRail Fiber (2007 & 2008)

Primary Customer: Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority of Austin, TX
Sub-Contracted Through: Kingston Cole and Associates

Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority of Austin, Texas; working with Kingston Cole and Associates developed and managed an RFP process for a fiber-optic network along its 33-mile right-of-way from Leander to Downtown Austin. One of tasks was the preliminary design of a fiber-optic loop systems for train control along the new right of way. Capital MetroRail Long-Range Transit Plan

Various Microwave System Design Projects (2007 to present)

Customer: Harris Stratex Corporation
(Formerly Harris Microwave Communications Division)
Sub-Contracted Through: Direct

Multiple engineering contracts completing various assignments: Design work on equipment drawings and floor plans for the City of Honolulu project, microwave path engineering for municipal projects in Tucson and Tempe, AZ; Albuquerque, NM; Clark Co, NV; and southern California. Equipment room and sight design for a large regional P-25 communications network for Alameda County, the City of Oakland, and Contra Costa County. The project is called the East Bay Regional Communications System or EBRCSA. Read about the EBRCSA Project

Grand Central Station and Park Avenue Tunnel (2004 -2005)

In conjunction with Kingston Cole and Associates, SCCI wrote technical portions of the RFP for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA). The RFP invited qualified firms to undertake development, installation and operation of a Wireless Communication Access System for Grand Central Terminal and the Park Avenue Tunnel in New York City. Envisioned for the MTA is a “Neutral Host Platform” radio system that permits customers and employees to select and use various commercial carriers and services on a non-discriminatory basis. The proposed system may contain a combination of directional amplifiers and coaxial distribution or the newer fiber-optic based Distributed Antenna System (DAS) where the RF is converted to light for distribution.

Fiber Optic Planning and Project Management (2000 - 2005)

Primary Customer: City of Alameda; Alameda Power & Telecom
Sub-Contracted Through: Direct

Document an exiting 1-GHz fiber ring for Alameda Unified School Distinct. Plan and implement a fiber-optic SCADA system using self-healing ring topology to command and control substations and remote power distribution equipment. Plan and implement moves and adds for the city's MAN (Municipal Area Network). The MAN uses a Lucent Gig-E ring and spoke architecture.

Document a citywide, city owned, HFC (Hybrid Fiber-Coax) CATV and Internet distribution system. Produce fiber optic splicing diagrams, fiber plant layout maps and a coaxial distribution network. Work with client's engineering department to implement a GIS database to manage network assets.

Provide project management to implement coaxial overbuilds for broadband within Multiple Dwelling Units (MDUs). Complete preliminary designs for buildings, coordinate with property owners and condo associations, and provide construction management of installation contractors. See Alameda Power & Telecom

Public Safety Communication Disaster Recovery Plan (2003)

Primary Customer: City of Oakland
Sub-Contracted Through: Endymion Systems

Worked with Endymion Systems to develop a police and fire communication plan. The plan outlined step to allow the City of Oakland to resume "normal" activities ASAP in the event of a terrorist attack or the likes of 9-11. SCCI expertise was the mobile radio, fiber links, and microwave portions of the project.

Bid Specifications for Public Safety Facility (2001-2003)

Primary Customer: City of Clovis
Sub-Contracted Through: CMA

Planned and developed a new police and fire dispatch facility. Wrote bid specifications for a new 180-foot tower, communication building, and all new radio and dispatch positions. Provided expert testimony to City Counsel and Planning Commission for project.

Voice-Over-IP Fiber-Optic Request for Proposal (RFP) (2000-2001)

Primary Customer: City of Clovis
Sub-Contracted Through: CMA

Assisted with developing a RFP for new Voice-Over-IP Fiber-Optic system supporting the city offices on a three-block campus.

Network Engineering, Trident Project (1999-2000)

Primary Customer: AT&T Wireless Services
Sub-Contracted Through: Galaxy Engineering
Participated in the Trident Project which changed out Lucent switches with Nortel MSC switches throughout the west coast. SCCI was part of the transport design team which planned OC-12s and coordinated backhaul for the cuts with local telcos and developed cut plans for microwave and fiber systems.

Lease Re-Negotiations (1999)

Primary Customer: American Tower Systems
Sub-Contracted Through: Direct

Facilitated cell site property lease negotiations between property owners and lessees where terms were misunderstood.

Distribute Antenna System Evaluation (1999)

Primary Customer: Metreon®--Sony Entertainment Center
Sub-Contracted Through: Tally Electronics

Evaluated an indoor 450 MHz multi-channel repeater system to determine the overall system incompatibility. SCCI, acting as an independent "third party" to resolve disputes between four vendors. We evaluated the technical performance of all components: antenna system, radios, consoles, and combiners. SCCI made recommendations on how to resolve the conflict and system incompatibilities. Issues uncovered were: double-shielded cable, amplifier gain, and false signals from the console.

Right-Of-Way Lease Value Assessment (1999)

Primary Customer: National Park Service
Sub-Contracted Through: Bay Area Economics

Determined and made recommendations to the Golden Gate Recreational Area for fiber-optic right-of way values. Worked with Caldwell Banker Real Estate to present monthly costs for raw-land right-of-way, duct/conduit lease, and dark-fiber pricing.

Contract Negotiations and System Design Evaluation (1997-1998)

Primary Customer: Peninsula Joint Powers Board (PJPB-CalTrain)
Sub-Contracted Through: Kingston, Cole and Associates

SCCI was active in the development of CalTrain's fiber-optic right-of-way project. The system runs along a regional commuter rail line traversing three counties. It consisted of four buried ducts and 144-strand fiber cables.

Cellular System Expansion, Design and Planning (1996-1999)

Primary Customer: Cellular One
Sub-Contracted Through: Direct

SCCI was Cellular One's engineering and project management contractor. SCCI was contracted to develop 20 additional sites in the Santa Cruz MSA. Activities included: landlord negotiations, setting up contracts, securing use permits, working with landowners and government agencies, managing construction schedules and contractors, specifying Ericsson 882 and 884 equipment, and site and network design. We coordinated the implementation of IS-136 digital features and equipment into the existing analog network.

In the first two years of the contract, SCCI more than doubled Cellular One's site count and voice channel capacity.

Microwave System Relocation Strategic Planning (1996)

Primary Customer: World Trade Center
Sub-Contracted Through: Kingston, Cole and Associates

SCCI provided strategic influence to the New York-New Jersey Port Authority in an effort to negotiate microwave relocation agreements with emerging wireless carriers.

Microwave Project (1994-1995)

Primary Customer: Modesto Irrigation District.
Sub-Contracted Through: LeBlanc Communications Inc.

SCCI was the design sub-contractor for a two-hop 6-GHz digital microwave system. SCCI's responsibility included the created approximately 35 "B" size CAD drawings.

Microwave System Specifications and Planning (1995)

Primary Customer: PCS PrimeCo L P
Sub-Contracted Through: H-K Engineering

SCCI provided engineering talent to develop implementation plans for microwave and other backhaul services. Activities included: overall system specifications, cost evaluation modeling, design process planning and procedures, and preparation, administration, and evaluation of a Request for Proposal for potentially 1,500 hops of microwave. Developed a master network equipment purchase agreement for the consortium TomCom.

Eastern Microwave Project (1994-1995)

Primary Customer: Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.
Sub-Contracted Through: LeBlanc Communications Inc. and AKM and Asso., Inc.

SCCI provided detailed designs as a sub-contractor for the LA-DWP's 2-GHz Analog to 6-GHz Digital microwave system upgrades in the southern California desert. SCCI's responsibility was to create roughly 130 "B" size CAD prints, including some material and wiring specifications. The project consisted of 13 microwave stations.

Contract Negotiations and System Specifications (1994)

Primary Customer: Contra Costa and Alameda Counties; San Jose Water Department
Sub-Contracted Through: Kingston, Cole and Associates

SCCI was active in the development of Contra Costa and Alameda Counties' fiber-optic right-of-way project. Improved the San Jose Water Department's study to include fiber-optic conduit/services in their non-potable water distribution system. (Nicknamed Smart Water)

Land-Mobile Propagation Studies (1994)

Primary Customer: National Park Service
Sub-Contracted Through: Direct

SCCI modeled the National Park Service's 410-MHz which proposed stations using 3-second propagation analysis software.

Cellular and Microwave Propagation Studies (1994)

Primary Customer: General Cellular Corp.
Sub-Contracted Through: Engineering and Communications Systems, Inc

The tasks consisted of microwave path studies and modeling 800-MHz propagation coverage using Comsearch's MCAP and LCC's ANET software. SCCI prepared sketches for drafting and material specifications. Our focus was to study new system feasibility tradeoffs. We also did some preliminary site acquisitions.

Bay Area Rapid Transit District's Fiber and Radio System (1993-1994)

Primary Customer: BART
Sub-Contracted Through: Kingston, Cole and Associates; CMA

SCCI was one of the sub-contractors involved in preparing a RFP to build a local fiber-optic and multi-user radio system along the Bay Area Rapid Transit District's (BART) 100-mile right-of-way. Moreover, we served as an intricate part of the specification and proposal evaluations.

California-Oregon Transmission Project, COTP (1992-1993)

Primary Customer: Department of Energy, Western Power Administration and Pacific Gas and Electric Co., (PG&E)
Sub-Contracted Through: LeBlanc Communications, Inc.

SCCI was the engineering/design sub-contractor for the California-Oregon Transmission Project, COTP; a 34-hop microwave system commissioned in the spring of 1993. We provided final engineering and design integration for the communication portion for the project.

The subcontract consisted of: re-evaluation of the customer's alarm and control requirements, recommendation of ideal functional solutions to integrate many agencies into one system, specification of data-base parameters, production of design documents and cost analysis reports, and the installation and material specifications. The job incorporated about 50 remote alarms and control units operating at 1200-bps in EIA RS-422 or RS-232 standards. The system also has three master stations. The system users are PG&E, Bonneville Power Administration, Western Area Power Administration, WAPA (Department of Energy), and Resource Management International.

An additional element of the subcontract consisted of cost analysis reports, and the installation and material specifications for 35 dial-up voice orderwires. Some of the orderwires had PBX and local-loop (POTS) interfaces.

SCCI was responsible for creating about 380 "D" size CAD drawings, some installation and material specifications and writing work scopes for other subcontractors. The project job consisted of 37 microwave and fiber-optic stations.

As-Built Documentation (1991)

Primary Customer: Sutro Tower, Inc.
Sub-Contracted Through: Direct

SCCI surveyed and drew CAD equipment and signal drawings of various rooms at San Francisco's primary condominium television transmitter location.

InMarSat Construction (1991)

Primary Customer: IDB
Sub-Contracted Through: Hughes Network Systems, Inc.

SCCI provided installation and test labor for the construction of IDB's InMarSat terminal in Niles Canyon, CA.

Microwave End-Links (1990-1991)

Primary Customer: MCI, MCI International, Sprint, Wells Fargo Bank, and AT&T.
Sub-Contracted Through: Bay Area Teleport

SCCI provided BAT engineering and design services for various projects expanding BAT's microwave and fiber-optic network. The project included the Wells Fargo Bank system, MCI's extension to Santa Cruz, MCI International's Lodi System, and AT&T's interface terminals. All jobs consisted of microwave and fiber-optic equipment. SCCI prepared sketches for drafting, project management Gantt charts, material and installation specifications, and new system feasibility studies.

Radio System (1990)

Primary Customer: Joe Heim Inc.
Sub-Contracted Through: Direct

SCCI engineered, designed and installed a 490-MHz (TV-band) land-mobile system. The system used a community digital-private-line repeater located on Mount Diablo. The system consisted of five mobile units and one base. We coordinated the repeater rental and modifications and installations of mobiles and base station. Moreover, we completed the coordination of and FCC licensing.

Radio Combining System (1990)

Primary Customer: Telecommunication Properties Inc.
Sub-Contracted Through: Direct

We provided the engineering, design and installation of a 900-MHz land-mobile combining system inside the third level of Sutro tower in San Francisco. The system combined five medium-power 900-MHz transmitters into one antenna. We coordinated the antenna installation and combiner re-tuning and specified the installation criteria, including materials and grounding.

Radio Site Management (1989-1990)

Primary Customer: FAA; Channel-2 TV, KTVU; State Office of Emergency Services
Sub-Contracted Through: Telecommunication Properties Inc. (Watson)

Watson Communication is a major site owner in northern California. SCCI supported Watson technically during a business transformation while they recruited a new technical staff. The tasks included: specification and installation of 450-MHz and 800-MHz land-mobile combining systems, resolution of land-mobile and satellite interference cases, and coordination of customer site expansions for land-mobile radio, microwave, cellular and radio broadcasters. Some interference studies were done for the

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