Engineering and designing commercial telecommunications towers, radio systems, cell sites, fiber optics transmission systems." /> Fiber-Optic Cables Integration High-Voltage Power, fiber optics, fiber to the home, ftth, fttc, fiber to the premise, telcom, telecommunications, cellular towers, site evaluations, engineering, communications, microwave towers, radio towers, design" />

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Fiber-Optic Cables Integration High-Voltage Power

Integrating Underground Fiber-Optic Cables with High-voltage Power

SCCI is an expert in the integration of underground fiber-optic cables with high-voltage power. Posted by Picasa

We have acquired five years of in-field experience working directly with expert journeyman line workers and distribution engineers learning the tradeoffs associated with pulling in a dielectric-fiber cable in the same conduit at 12-kV primary power. One of the key elements we have learned is not to place optical splice closures inside power vaults and manholes.

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At 7:37 PM, Blogger Ivan said...


I wonder why not?


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