Engineering and designing commercial telecommunications towers, radio systems, cell sites, fiber optics transmission systems." /> fiber optics, fiber to the home, ftth, fttc, fiber to the premise, telcom, telecommunications, cellular towers, site evaluations, engineering, communications, microwave towers, radio towers, design" />

Sunday, January 25, 2009

New SCCI Site and Path Survey Tools

Nicon Total StationRecently added to SCCI tools are two new survey instruments. Just acquired is a new Nikon pulse-laser total station. The NPL-352 has excellent measurement performance and extreme long battery life. The Nikon Pulse Laser Station is equipped with the unique coaxial focusing system reflectorless EDM (electronic distance measurement). Otherwise inaccessible points can now be surveyed reliable and accurate due to Nikon's new unique reflectorless EDM technology. Having the option of not using a prism, we can measure the height and distance of unreachable trees or other path obstructions.

Trimble Nomad Data Collector PRO-XRT

Trimble Nomad Data Collector PRO-XRT

Trimble Pro-XRT AntennaAdditionally, SCCI upgraded to the recently released Trimble Pro-XRT GPS receiver. The Trimble antenna includes an integrated OmniSTAR antenna for real time DGPS correction data giving us instantaneous submeter accuracy for collecting GIS data. Combining Trimble technology and the OmniSTAR service (Omnistar News) the GPS Pathfinder ProXRT receiver is a versatile instrument offering our customers high geodetic accuracy; typically we are seeing 14-21 inches of horizontal precision. The tool is perfect for identifying near-field knife-edge obstructions and can lay out with confidence the Fresnel zones along a line between two sites.

Trimble PRO-XRT System On Mountain Top
Trimble PRO-XRT System On Mountain Top
Trimble Terra Sync Microwave Path Display

Contact SCCI Telecommunications for your microwave path and site surveys today.

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Meet The SCCI Telecommunications Engineering, Design, and Construction Management Crew

SCCI Radio And Telecommunications Site Map

Monday, September 12, 2005

Fiber-optic Plant Records

Accurate documentation of your fiber plant is important if you value your asset. Locating fiber cables and closures, and quick maintenance response is critical and is exceptionally proficient when you have current drawings showing where and what you have. SCCI's specialty system documentation; we use AutoCADĀ® and AutoCAD Map for GIS applications. Depicted are samples of work we have produced for a client.

The first two cad drawings are a Service Map drawn at 100 to 1 scale with close-ups; the map shows the location of the fibers, each manhole, riser, and splice location and has a set of symbols representing the various OSP hardware configurations. The second two prints are of a Fiber-optic Splice Drawing with close-ups; it shows the color-to-color fusion splice of each connection inside a multi-cable closure.

The last drawing is SCCI's version of the Circuit Layout Record (CLR); SCCI has created a unique way to depict an active optical circuit and show all the crucial components for rapid troubleshooting and engineering changes and additions.

Click on the pictures for jpg views or Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher Interactive Service Map eDrawing and Fiber Optic eDrawing Interactive online cad eDrawing files can be used for zooming, panning, printing, and sending in an email.

If your company is behind in technology and documentation, has no plant records, or is planning a new system, give SCCI a call. We have the engineering and design expertise to document your plant accurately and correctly.

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Meet The SCCI Telecommunications Engineering, Design, and Construction Management Crew

SCCI Radio And Telecommunications Site Map

Fiber to The Home

Fiber To The Home Posted by Picasa

Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) is an evolving technology. SCCI has experience and training in the engineering, design, and deployment of passive FTTH networks. SCCI prefers Fiber-to-the-Curb technology over the ITU-T G.983 Passive Optical Network (PON) standard because it offers both the carrier and the subscriber plant redundancy. SCCI can offer a creative solution in the design and engineering of both FTTH and FTTC, along with FTTP (Fiber to the Premise) systems.

Contact SCCI for your Fiber Solutions today.

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Meet The SCCI Telecommunications Engineering, Design, and Construction Management Crew

SCCI Radio And Telecommunications Site Map

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Fiber-Optic Cables Integration High-Voltage Power

Integrating Underground Fiber-Optic Cables with High-voltage Power

SCCI is an expert in the integration of underground fiber-optic cables with high-voltage power. Posted by Picasa

We have acquired five years of in-field experience working directly with expert journeyman line workers and distribution engineers learning the tradeoffs associated with pulling in a dielectric-fiber cable in the same conduit at 12-kV primary power. One of the key elements we have learned is not to place optical splice closures inside power vaults and manholes.

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Meet The SCCI Telecommunications Engineering, Design, and Construction Management Crew

SCCI Radio And Telecommunications Site Map

Friday, August 05, 2005

Communications Towers Engineering

SCCI has expertise with engineering communications towers.

We have the expertise to: Develop And Engineer, Obtain FAA Clearances and Authorizations, Manage Installations And Construction Of Commercial Communications Towers

We know how to specify the towers, obtain the applicable FAA clearances and authorizations, obtain the requisite local planning authority (use permits) when required. We know how to: engineer the tower for microwave beam performance, design the tower and foundation to meet wind loading specifications, spec it for seismic activity, meet EIA/TIA-222-F standards (Structural Standards for Steel Antenna Towers and Antenna Supporting Structures) compliance, plus we know how to write co-location use agreements.

The 180 foot tower shown above, SCCI designed and specified for the city of Clovis as part of their new Public Safety facility. SCCI also designed the shelter specifications at the tower's base.

Contact SCCI to obtain a quote for your commercial tower projects today.

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Meet The SCCI Telecommunications Engineering, Design, and Construction Management Crew

SCCI Radio And Telecommunications Site Map