Accurate documentation of your fiber plant is important if you value your asset. Locating fiber cables and closures, and quick maintenance response is critical and is exceptionally proficient when you have current drawings showing where and what you have. SCCI's specialty system documentation; we use AutoCADĀ® and AutoCAD Map for GIS applications. Depicted are samples of work we have produced for a client.
The first two cad drawings are a Service Map drawn at 100 to 1 scale with close-ups; the map shows the location of the fibers, each manhole, riser, and splice location and has a set of symbols representing the various OSP hardware configurations. The second two prints are of a
Fiber-optic Splice Drawing with close-ups; it shows the color-to-color fusion splice of each connection inside a multi-cable closure.
The last drawing is SCCI's version of the Circuit Layout Record (
CLR); SCCI has created a unique way to depict an active optical circuit and show all the crucial components for rapid troubleshooting and engineering changes and additions.
Click on the pictures for
jpg views or Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher
Interactive Service Map eDrawing and
Fiber Optic eDrawing Interactive online cad eDrawing files can be used for zooming, panning, printing, and sending in an email.
If your company is behind in technology and documentation, has no plant records, or is planning a new system, give
SCCI a call. We have the
engineering and design expertise to document your plant accurately and correctly.
Labels: Documentation, Fiber-Optic, Fiber-to-the-Curb, Fiber-to-the-Home, Fiber-to-the-Premises, FTTC, FTTH, FTTP